for the queer eye AND the straight guy


350# WandaMae was walking down the street...behind a midget, when she suddenly sneezed... Causing a horrific backdraft. In trying to regain her balance, she snapped her legs together. THE PROBLEM: was it death by accident or...homicide? Further complicating the matter is the fact that the midget's corpse was smiling. SUICIDE, perhaps? THE TOMBSTONE READS: HERE LIES SHORTY... Y'ALL AIN'T GONNA BULEEEVE THIS SHIT.


Have you met my Rottweiler friend Jesus. He loves to bite butt.

Religious and thrifty he ith too.
JESUS SAVES hith bones. Buries them next to the bodies in the back yard. Cute kid he.


Here is the skinny
(Sit down Mary.
When it's your turn I'll call you).

I will make a statement and you fill in the blanks.


"There I wath, jest sitting around the cave minding my own business, when____________."

The idea is to supply answers that are INCREDIBLY WITTY. Or, you can just put in your usual crap. LOL.

Okay. Here is the funniest one since the invention of the fake pregnancy pillow for men, (electric vibrator, life-size blow-up doll of Justin Timberlake, the personalizable dart board {Enclose the photo of the victim}, the FAKE 2 ft penith, with directions on installation. Batteries are not included NOR recommended. UL is studying the issue. A coupon for a gallon of KY is included.)

Being Five Comics

MAUKE SEZ: A LAUGH A DAY KEEPS THE MICE AWAY...and he should know...


Monday, June 4, 2007


This actually was quite hilarious! and fun to do. Just read the
"offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until
you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are
done, send it on to your friends.

Title your email "My fine is $........" in the subject line.

You don't have to
confess your answers...
just the amount of your fine.

$1,555.60 is the Max

Smoked pot -- $10
Did acid -- $5
Ever had sex at church -- $25
Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40
Had sex with someone from MySpace -- $25
Had sex for money -- $100
Ever had sex with a different race -- $20
Beat up someone -- $20
Vandalized something -- $20
Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10
Been jumped -- $10
Crossed-Dressed -- $10
Given money to a stripper -- $25
Been in love with a stripper -- $20
Kissed someone whose name you didn't know -- $0.10
Hit on someone of the same sex while at work -- $15
Ever drive drunk -- $20
Ever got drunk at work or went to work still drunk -- $50
Used toys while having sex -- $30
Got drunk, passed out, and didn't remember the night before -- $20
Went skinny-dipping -- $5
Had sex in a pool -- $20
Kissed someone of the same sex -- $10
Had sex with someone of the same sex -- $20
Cheated on your significant other -- $10
Masturbated -- $10
Cheated on your significant other with
their relative or close friend -- $20
Given oral -- $5
Gotten oral -- $5
Given/gotten oral in a moving vehicle -- $25
Stole something -- $10
Had sex with someone in jail -- $25
Made a nasty home-video -- $15
Had a threesome -- $50
Had sex in the wild -- $20
Been in the same room where others were having sex
and you weren't -- $25
Stole something worth more than $100 - $20
Had sex with someone 10 years older than you -- $20
Had sex with someone under 21 and you were over 25 -- $25
Been 'in love' with two or more people at the same time -- $50
Told someone you love them but didn't mean it -- $25
Went streaking -- $5
Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15
Been arrested -- $5
Spent time in jail -- $15
Peed in the pool -- $0.50 (You're LYING if you don't
add this one LOL)
Played Spin-The-Bottle -- $5
Done something you regret -- $20
Had sex with your best friend -- $20
Had sex with someone you work work -- $25
Had anal sex -- $80
Lied to your significant other -- $5
Lied to your significant other about their sex being good -- $25
Ever tied up someone during sex -- $50
Ever been tied up during sex -- $75


Ever had sex while parachuting -- $100
Ever had sex in the tunnel of love/haunted house -- $50
Ever told your best friend you had sex
with someone you didn't -- $25
Ever get SO drunk that you have no idea
if you had sex or not -- $75
Ever had a dream about having sex with an animal -- $75
(A Bear comes to mind)

Tally it up and send it to your friends...
Title it...
"MY FINE IS_____"
Max fine is $1555.60

You can also add it in the comments section,
but include your screen name.

(Thanx to Justin DeVries of Des Moines IA for this one...with embellishments by yours truly).

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